Published: January 26, 2020
by Tobias Pleyer
Tags: nix

Fixpoints, attribute sets and overlays

This post will be another code full evaluation example, i.e. I will start with an expression in a functional language, Nix in this case, and continuously reduce it until it has reached its normal form. I find those kind of reduction processes tremendously enlightening and helpful in understanding important concepts.

Today’s post will actually be a 2in1, because I want to give an example for two important concepts used in Nix: fixpoint evaluation of self-referential attribute sets and the concepts of overlays to manipulate this evaluation process. Because these two concepts actually go hand-in-hand I only need one reduction process to show both techniques, for more see below.

Note: Since this post is about basic concepts of Nix I of course don’t assume expert knowledge in order to follow, but I do assume a familiarity with the syntax of the language and at least basic knowledge about the semantics. That said I will make every reduction step below explicit, but will not explain what a function is etc.

Short aside

Before I get going I want to quickly explain what I am actually talking about.

When I talk about a self referential attribute set I mean a construct like below:

self: { a = 3; b = 4; c = self.a+self.b; }

Strictly speaking this is merely a function taking one argument and returning an attribute set. The tricky part is of course the self parameter. It will be used to inject the set into itself via fixpoint evaluation. In this sense the above construct can also be seen as:

  • an “unfinished” attribute set
  • a “blueprint” for an attribute set
  • a build recipe for an attribute set

I will refer to it as a self-referential attribute set or as explicitely recursive attribute set. In Nix those constructs are used to allow the definition of sets for which some of their variables depend on the value of other variables within the same set. Nix also comes with a rec keyword to flag an attribute set as self-referential, but this is just syntactic sugar for fixpoint evaluation.

Note however that self is merely a name by convention. It doesn’t carry any special meaning and could be renamed without loss of generality. Also, since the above expression is just a function, you could of course call it with any kind of arguments:

nix-repl> f = self: { a = 3; b = 4; c = self.a+self.b; }
nix-repl> f { a = 7; b = 3; c = 5; d = "something"; }
{ a = 3; b = 4; c = 10; }

Fixpoint evaluation

Fixpoint evaluation means evaluating fix f, where f is some function and fix the function defined by

fix = f: let x = f x; in x;

in other words fix f is the infinite application of f to itself:

fix f = f (f (f (f (...))))

In most languages that would just run forever and halt with an out of memory error due to strict evaluation. However Nix is lazy, so it has a chance to finish as we will see. fix f is called the fixpoint of f and evaluating it is what I call the fixpoint evaluation of f.


Conceptually in Nix an overlay alters the values of certain attributes in an attribute set. It “lays” new values over some attributes, causing the dependent attributes to change their values too.

In order to makes this possible overlays have to be injected into the fixpoint evaluation of the set, i.e. before the set is fully evaluated. Overlays must have a specific function signature what I call the “overlay pattern”:

let overlay = self: super:

So an overlay must take two parameters, conventionally called self and super, and must return an attribute set. self refers to the fully evaluated set, so this is actually a look into the future! super refers to the evaluation of the attribute set up until that point. The nixos wiki comes with a nice illustration:

Overlays in Nix

As the images shows all overlay “blocks” are connected to the same self (you must read this kind of like a circuit diagram). The super input, however, is only wired to the previous stage. All of this becomes much clearer once you see it live and in action.

How are overlays used in Nix? One example is the overlays argument for the <nixpkgs> expression:

import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ overlay1 overlay2 ]; }

Via several twists and turns these overlays end up as part of the bootstrapping stage of Nixpkgs, as can be seen in toFix in the file stage,nix. Below I will evaluate an expression equivalent to toFix, just with less stages and a simpler attribute set, but otherwise the mechanics are identical.

Much of the stuff is actually fairly well documented, either directly on the NixOS site or on other websites. Here is a short list:

The example

Our explicitely recursive set looks like this:

pkgs = self: { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }

And we will apply the following overlays to it


let overlay1 = self: super:
  a = 1;
  b = 2;
  c = 3;
  d = self.a + self.b;
  e = self.c + self.d;


let overlay2 = self: super:
  x = super.a;
  b = 22;
  c = 11;


let overlay3 = self: super:
  a = 8;
  y = self.d + 7;

Overlay application

We will evaluate the following expression, which is similar to toFix in stage,nix.

toFix = lib.foldl' (lib.flip lib.extends) (self: {}) ([

For easier reference here are the definitions for the above library functions

# foldl op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op (... (op (op nul x_1) x_2) ... x_n)
foldl = op: nul: list:
    foldl' = n:
      if n == -1
      then nul
      else op (foldl' (n - 1)) (elemAt list n);
  in foldl' (length list - 1);

flip = f: a: b: f b a;

extends = f: rattrs: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super;

extends' = flip extends
         = rattrs: f: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super;

Finally we can start:

toFix = lib.foldl' (lib.flip lib.extends) (self: {}) ([
lib.foldl' lib.extends' (self: {}) ([
extends' (extends' (extends' (self: {}) overlay1) overlay2) overlay3 
extends' (extends' (self: let super = (self: {}) self; in super // overlay1 self super) overlay2) overlay3
extends' (extends' (self: {} // overlay1 self {}) overlay2) overlay3
extends' (self: let super = (self: {} // overlay1 self {}) self; in super // overlay2 self super) overlay3
extends' (self: ({} // overlay1 self {}) // overlay2 self ({} // overlay1 self {})) overlay3
self: let super = (self: ({} // overlay1 self {}) // overlay2 self ({} // overlay1 self {})) self in super // overlay3 self super
self: (({} // overlay1 self {}) // overlay2 self ({} // overlay1 self {})) // overlay3 self (({} // overlay1 self {}) // overlay2 self ({} // overlay1 self {}))

At this point we can start to evaluate the function calls to the overlays.

self: (({} // overlay1 self {}) // overlay2 self ({} // overlay1 self {})) // overlay3 self (({} // overlay1 self {}) // overlay2 self ({} // overlay1 self {}))
# overlay1 self {} = { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }
self: (({} // { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }) // overlay2 self ({} // { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; })) // overlay3 self (({} // { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }) // overlay2 self ({} // { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }))
# {} // { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; } = { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }
self: ({ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; } // overlay2 self { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }) // overlay3 self ({ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; } // overlay2 self { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; })
#       overlay2 self { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; } =
#       self: super:
#       {
#         x = super.a;
#         b = 22;
#         c = 11;
#       } self { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }
#       =
#       {
#         x = { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }.a;
#         b = 22;
#         c = 11;
#       }
#        =
#       {
#         x = 1;
#         b = 22;
#         c = 11;
#       }
self: ({ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; } // { x = 1; b = 22; c = 11; }) // overlay3 self ({ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; } // { x = 1; b = 22; c = 11; })
self: { a = 1; b = 22; c = 11; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; x = 1; } // overlay3 self { a = 1; b = 22; c = 11; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; x = 1; }
#       overlay3 self { a = 1; b = 22; c = 11; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; x = 1; } =
#       self: super:
#       {
#         a = 8;
#         y = self.d + 7;
#       } self { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; }
#       =
#       {
#         a = 8;
#         y = self.d + 7;
#       }
self: { a = 1; b = 22; c = 11; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; x = 1; } // { a = 8; y = self.d + 7; }
self: { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; x = 1; y = self.d + 7; }

At this point we reached an important milestone: all overlays have been fully evaluated and the expression has reduced to a common explicitely recursive attribute set.

One very important thing to notice from above: The self parameter has been threaded through all overlay applications and set reductions. Always the “inner” self was replaced by the “outer” self. Hence throughout the whole application self refers to the same thing. This neat trick makes it possible to end up with a self-referential set at the end with one “global” self parameter.

Further things to note:

  • Throughout the overlay application a, b, and c have changed their original values. After all that is exactly what overlays are meant for.
  • x was assigned super.a, which refers to a at the current stage of evaluation. As you can see at the end result x has a’s old value 1, while a = 8.
  • It was no problem to define completely new keys depending on existing keys in the set, namely y = self.d + 7.
  • Many expressions appeared more than once in the reduction process (e.g. the application of overlay1). This is normal due to the recursive nature of the reduction. The nice thing however is that it is enough to evaluate the expressions only once. Thanks to purity and referential transparency we know it is safe to replace all occurences of an expression with the evaluation of one of them.

This concludes the first functional programming technique applied by Nix: overlays. In the next section we will look at evaluating a self-referential set via fixpoint evaluation.

Fixpoint evaluation

In the previous section we ended up with the following result:

set = self: { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; x = 1; y = self.d + 7; }

We can reduce this self-referential attribute set to a normal attribute set (i.e. getting rid of self) by evaluating its fixpoint.

res = fix set
= set (set (set ...))
= self: { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = self.a + self.b; e = self.c + self.d; x = 1; y = self.d + 7; } (set (set ...))
= { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; e = (set (set ...)).c + (set (set ...)).d; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).d + 7; }
# (set (set ...)) = { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; e = (set (set ...)).c + (set (set ...)).d; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).d + 7; }
= { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; e = (set (set ...)).c + (set (set ...)).d; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).d + 7; }.a + { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; e = (set (set ...)).c + (set (set ...)).d; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).d + 7; }.b; e = { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; e = (set (set ...)).c + (set (set ...)).d; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).d + 7; }.c + { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; e = (set (set ...)).c + (set (set ...)).d; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).d + 7; }.d; x = 1; y = { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; e = (set (set ...)).c + (set (set ...)).d; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).d + 7; }.d + 7; }
# Lazy evaluation: We don't have to evaluate the full expression, only as much to get our answer
= { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = 8 + 22; e = 11 + (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b; x = 1; y = (set (set ...)).a + (set (set ...)).b + 7; }
# We already know what (set (set ...)).a and (set (set ...)).b are, namely 8 and 22
= { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = 8 + 22; e = 11 + 8 + 22; x = 1; y = 8 + 22 + 7; }
= { a = 8; b = 22; c = 11; d = 30; e = 41; x = 1; y = 37; }

Now we are at the end and know the exact value of every key in the set. The trick was to dig deeper and deeper down the recursive definition of the set until we reach a key with a value that does not reference self. This value we can then “bubble up” one layer to reduce it and so forth until all references to self have been resolved.