Monadic computations in Python revisited


In a previous post I introduced monadic computations for Python. Make sure you read that post first before continuing with this one.

In this post I want to show how easy it is to extend the functionality towards logging based on a verbosity level for the application.

Verbosity based logging

The verbosity level is normally given via the command line. Writing a CLI is not part of this post, so to make it simple the application will take just one argument: the verbosity level given as a number.

Goal: Based on the provided verbosity level the application will provide out of a given degree of detail. The higher the verbosity level the higher the degree of detail.

Verbosity as part of the log

Our idea is very simple: Instead of just providing a list of strings we now provide a list of tuples, each tuple consisting of an importance level and the actual string. The lower the importance level, the higher the importance, i.e. it is inverse propertional to the verbosity level.

The only changes we have to make to our library code are in the do_shell function:

def do_shell(cmd):
    process = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
    stdout = process.stdout.decode('utf-8')
    stderr = process.stderr.decode('utf-8')
    info = [(3,f"Command run: {cmd}")]
    if stdout:
    if stderr:
    if process.returncode > 0:
        return (left(stderr), info)
    return (right(stdout), info)

The main code can remain almost unchanged. All we have to do is read the verbosity level from our command line and filter the log based on the log level:

def main(verbosity_level):
    cmd1 = shell("echo 'OK'; exit 0")
    cmd2 = shell("echo 'some warning' >&2; echo 'Also OK'; exit 0")
    cmd3 = shell("echo 'Even better'; exit 0")
    full_action = cmd1 >> cmd2 >> cmd3
    res, info = runAction(full_action)
    print(f"Final result: {res}")
    print("== INFO ==")
    print(filter_log(verbosity_level, info))
    cmd4 = shell("echo 'Command failed' >&2; exit 1")
    full_action = cmd1 >> cmd4 >> cmd3
    res, info = runAction(full_action)
    print(f"Final result: {res}")
    print("== INFO ==")
    print(filter_log(verbosity_level, info))

Here is the full code for the example.

from types import FunctionType
from functools import partial, reduce
from subprocess import run, PIPE, STDOUT

class Either():
    Left = 0
    Right = 1
    def __init__(self, kind, value=None):
        self._kind = kind
        self._value = value

    def unwrap(self):
        return self._value

    def mreturn(value):
        return Either(Either.Right, value)

    def get_return(self):
        return Either.mreturn

    def __or__(self, k):
        if isLeft(self):
            return self
            return k(self.unwrap())

    def __rshift__(self, k):
        return self.__or__(lambda _: k)

    def __str__(self):
        if self._kind == Either.Left:
            return f"Left {repr(self._value)}"
            return f"Right {repr(self._value)}"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

def isLeft(e):
    return e._kind == Either.Left

def isRight(e):
    return e._kind == Either.Right

def left(a):
    return Either(Either.Left, a)

def right(a):
    return Either(Either.Right, a)

class IO():
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def mreturn(value):
        return IO(lambda: value)

    def get_return(self):
        return IO.mreturn

    def unwrap(self):
        return self._value

    def run(self):
        return self._value()

    def __or__(self, k):
        return IO(lambda: k(

    def __rshift__(self, k):
        return self.__or__(lambda _: k)

    def __str__(self):
        return "IO {repr(self._value)}"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class WriterT():
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def get_return(self):
        inner_return = self.unwrap().get_return()
        return lambda value: WriterT(inner_return((value,[])))

    def unwrap(self):
        return self._value

    def __or__(self, k):
        inner_ret = self.unwrap().mreturn
        return WriterT(
            self.unwrap() |(
            lambda x1: k(x1[0]).unwrap() |(
            lambda x2: inner_ret((x2[0], x1[1] + x2[1])))))

    def __rshift__(self, k):
        return self.__or__(lambda _: k)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"WriterT {repr(self._value)} "

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class EitherT():
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def get_return(self):
        inner_return = self.unwrap().get_return()
        return lambda value: EitherT(inner_return(right(value)))

    def unwrap(self):
        return self._value

    def __or__(self, k):
        inner_ret = self.unwrap().get_return()
        return EitherT(
            self.unwrap() |(
            lambda a: inner_ret(a) if isLeft(a) else k(a.unwrap()).unwrap()))

    def __rshift__(self, k):
        return self.__or__(lambda _: k)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"EitherT {repr(self._value)} "

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

def do_shell(cmd):
    process = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
    stdout = process.stdout.decode('utf-8')
    stderr = process.stderr.decode('utf-8')
    info = [(3,f"Command run: {cmd}")]
    if stdout:
    if stderr:
    if process.returncode > 0:
        return (left(stderr), info)
    return (right(stdout), info)

def shell(cmd):
    return EitherT(WriterT(IO(lambda: do_shell(cmd))))

def runAction(action):
    return action.unwrap().unwrap().run()

def compose(*flist):
    def helper(*args, **kwargs):
        f0 = None
        if len(flist) == 0:
        elif len(flist) == 1:
            f0 = flist[0](*args, **kwargs)
            f0 = flist[0](*args, **kwargs)
            for fn in flist[1:]:
                f0 = fn(f0)
        return f0
    return helper

def sequence(*flist):
    if len(flist) == 0:
        return None
        f0 = flist[0]
        if isinstance(f0, FunctionType):
            f0 = f0()
        return compose(*flist[1:])(f0)

def filter_log(verbosity_threshold, info_list):
    return sequence(
        partial(filter, lambda i: i[0] <= verbosity_threshold),
        partial(map, lambda x: x[1]),
        partial(reduce, lambda x, y: x + '\n' + y)

def main(verbosity_level):
    cmd1 = shell("echo 'OK'; exit 0")
    cmd2 = shell("echo 'some warning' >&2; echo 'Also OK'; exit 0")
    cmd3 = shell("echo 'Even better'; exit 0")
    full_action = cmd1 >> cmd2 >> cmd3
    res, info = runAction(full_action)
    print(f"Final result: {res}")
    print("== INFO ==")
    print(filter_log(verbosity_level, info))
    cmd4 = shell("echo 'Command failed' >&2; exit 1")
    full_action = cmd1 >> cmd4 >> cmd3
    res, info = runAction(full_action)
    print(f"Final result: {res}")
    print("== INFO ==")
    print(filter_log(verbosity_level, info))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    verbosity_level = int(sys.argv[1])

I also provided a definition for the very useful helper function compose and sequence. They are not strictly necessary for the example, but it is very neat to be able to write chained function calls like that. Compose lets you create a new function that will thread its arguments through the given chain of functions. Sequence is compose, but takes the initial argument directly and then returns the final result directly instead of a function.

We can verify now that different verbosity levels lead to different output:

$ python 1
Final result: Right 'Even better\n'
== INFO ==
some warning

Final result: Left 'Command failed\n'
== INFO ==
Command failed

$ python 2
Final result: Right 'Even better\n'
== INFO ==

Also OK

some warning

Even better

Final result: Left 'Command failed\n'
== INFO ==

Command failed

$ python 3
Final result: Right 'Even better\n'
== INFO ==
Command run: echo 'OK'; exit 0

Command run: echo 'some warning' >&2; echo 'Also OK'; exit 0
Also OK

some warning

Command run: echo 'Even better'; exit 0
Even better

Final result: Left 'Command failed\n'
== INFO ==
Command run: echo 'OK'; exit 0

Command run: echo 'Command failed' >&2; exit 1
Command failed

However the example is too simple to guard against misuse:

$ python 0
Final result: Right 'Even better\n'
== INFO ==
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 220, in <module>
  File "", line 208, in main
    print(filter_log(verbosity_level, info))
  File "", line 196, in filter_log
    partial(reduce, lambda x, y: x + '\n' + y)
  File "", line 188, in sequence
    return compose(*flist[1:])(f0)
  File "", line 174, in helper
    f0 = fn(f0)
TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value

Nothing that couldn’t be solved, but this is not the purpose here. I want to stress that the actual changes necessary to achieve the new functionality required less than 10 lines of code!