Published: January 7, 2018
by Tobias Pleyer
Tags: haskell

Generic Folds in Haskell


In December I found the Advent of Code tasks to be a nice opportunity to test and improve my skills in Haskell. I published my solutions on my github.

I was also interested in the solutions of other people and found Eric Mertens github in the ranking list. Eric’s solutions display a deep understanding of Haskell and all its beauty. The solution of day 7 was especially astonishing for me. That’s where I first saw the concept of generic folding in the form of anamorphisms and catamorphisms. In my own first attempt I tried to do exactly what Eric did in his solution, but I didn’t have the toolset to do so and ended up going a simpler route.

I began to interest myself for the topic and started to investigate it a bit further. There exists the package Data.Fix on hackage and much of the code in this article is taken from there. Coincidentally I read Mark P. Jones’ (MPJ) paper Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism a few days after I saw Erics’ solution for day 7 and to my surprise discovered that this paper also devotes a full sub-section to this topic. A few examples of this blog post are taken from this paper.

Fix-point data types

The first step to understanding generic folding involves fix points of data types. What is a fix point? The usual definition applies to plain functions and describes a value that remains unchanged by function application, i.e. is its own return value

let x = Fix(f)
f x = x

Since a constructor is basically a function on types, it is possible to define fix points on types as well

newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }

Note that f in the above snippet represents a type, not a plain value, and should be an instance of Functor or Traversable (we will see why later). A fix point data type is a type that is applied to itself, possibly indefinitly.

This concept is a bit strange and it is best to see it with some examples

type List a = Fix (L a)
data L a b = Nil | Cons a b
let list_example :: List Int
    list_example = Fix (Cons 4 (Fix (Cons 3 (Fix (Cons 2 (Fix Cons 1 (Fix Cons 0 (Fix Nil))))))))

type Natural = Fix Nat
data Nat = Zero | Succ s
let natural_3 :: Natural
    natural_3 = Fix (Succ (Fix (Succ (Fix (Succ (Fix Zero))))))

-- This is the example of Eric Mertens
type RoseTree = Fix Node
data Node a = Node !Int [a]
let rosetree_example :: RoseTree
    rosetree_example = Fix (Node 1 Fix ([Node 2 Fix ([Node 3 Fix ([]), Node 4 Fix ([])]), Node 5 Fix ([])]))

Ana-, Cata-, and Hylomorphism

Now that we have seen a few examples of fix-point data types, what are their advantage? How can we work with them? Let’s quote the Data.Fix package

This style allows you to express recursive functions in non-recursive manner.

Ok let’s elaborate on that. A normal recursive function has parameters, performs some actions with them and then calls itself with altered parameters infinitely until the base case is hit. A classic example is the factorial function

factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

In the above example the integer parameter n is very simple and the final result of the function call is made up of many other calls to the same function with n decremented. With fix-point types we can kind of reverse that concept and take a normal non-recursive function and recurse its application into the data type. The function that does that is called a catamorphism. Here is its definition

cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> (Fix f -> a)
cata h = h . fmap (cata h) . unFix

The definition of cata shows why we had to require f to be a Functor, because we use fmap to descent into the data structure. Cata is also called a generic function fold. Note how cata works: Before we apply the function h we recurse further into the fix-point type by fmapping into it. This means the first call to h is applied last. We will see examples soon.

Intermezzo - standard folds

Above I always talk about generic folds, but what are “normal folds” then? A normal folding function takes a list of values and a function to combine these values and then iterates over the list of elements. It starts applying the function to the first element, remembers the result and then combines that result with the function application to the next element of the list. This repeats until the empty list is found, that’s the base case that causes the function to stop. There exists not one, but many folding functions in Haskell Prelude or Data.List, e.g. foldr, foldl, foldr1, …

import Data.List
-- calculate the sum of the elements in a list - version 1
let s = foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3,4]
-- calculate the sum of the elements in a list - version 2
let s2 = foldr1 (+) [1,2,3,4]
-- make one big list out of a list of lists - version 1
let big = foldl' (++) [] [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
-- make one big list out of a list of lists - version 2
let big2 = foldl1' (++) [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]

Generic folds continued

We can replicate the above folds on lists using our generic framework. The first thing we have to do is represent our lists as a fix-point, but we have already done this above

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
  --resolver lts-9.12
  --package base
  --package data-fix

import Data.Fix

data L a b = Nil | Cons a b

type List a = Fix (L a)

instance Functor (L a) where
   fmap f x = case x of
       Nil      -> Nil
       Cons a b -> Cons a (f b)

fix_length :: List a -> Int
fix_length = cata $ \x -> case x of
   Nil      -> 0
   Cons _ n -> n + 1

-- this is the equivalent to foldr1 (+)
fix_sum :: Num a => List a -> a
fix_sum = cata $ \x -> case x of
   Nil      -> 0
   Cons a s -> a + s

-- this is the equivalent to foldr (+) b
fix_sum_base :: Num a => a -> List a -> a
fix_sum_base b xs = res b
    res = c xs
    c = cata $ \x -> case x of
           Nil      -> (+ 0)
           Cons a s -> (+ (s a))

main = do
  -- the list [1,2,3,4] = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : []
  let list = Fix (Cons 1 (Fix (Cons 2 (Fix (Cons 3 (Fix (Cons 4 (Fix Nil))))))))
  let s = fix_sum list
  print s
-- 10
  let s2 = fix_sum_base 5 list
  print s2
-- 15

Note in the example above that fix_sum is the equivalent to foldr1 (+), because there is no base case as in foldr. As we would expect it is possible to derive the special case of folding on lists from the generic case.

The dual of a catamorphism is called anamorphism, or generic unfold. It does exactly the opposite of a catamorphism, i.e. constructing a fix-point type with the help of a provided function.

ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> (a -> Fix f)
ana f = Fix . fmap (ana f) . f

Here is the example of an anamorphism generating the infinite list of positive integers

let posInts = (ana (\n -> Cons n (n+1))) 1

The last of the group is the hylomorphism, which is an anamorphism followed by a catamorphism. Thus a hylomorphism first constructs (unfolds) a fix-point data type and then deconstructs (folds) it again.

-- example of a hylomorphism that calculates the sum of a range on integers
  :: Int -- ^ start of the integer range
  -> Int -- ^ end of the integer range
  -> Int -- ^ sum of the integers [start..end]
sum_from_to start end = (hylo phi (psi end)) start
    psi m n
      | n > m = Nil
      | otherwise = Cons n (n+1)
    phi x = case x of
       Nil      -> 0
       Cons a s -> a + s

Handson - Taking apart the AOC Day 7 solution

In this section I will try to give a detailed look of Eric Merten’s solution. Since the original input for day 7 is to much to type it by hand, I will content myself with the example input. Thusly we start with the following table

pbga (66)
xhth (57)
ebii (61)
havc (66)
ktlj (57)
fwft (72) -> ktlj, cntj, xhth
qoyq (66)
padx (45) -> pbga, havc, qoyq
tknk (41) -> ugml, padx, fwft
jptl (61)
ugml (68) -> gyxo, ebii, jptl
gyxo (61)
cntj (57)

Which will result in the following tree structure

# Resulting tree
         ugml - ebii
       /      \
      |         jptl
      |         pbga
     /        /
tknk --- padx - havc
     \        \
      |         qoyq
      |         ktlj
       \      /
         fwft - cntj

Next we need a suitable data type to represent the tree. Every node has a name (for lookup purposes), a weight and zero to more children. As I learned in the paper of MPJ these kind of trees are called rose trees.

data Node a = Node !Int [a]
    deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

Note the automagic deriving of Show, Functor, Foldable and Traversable. This will lead to the following implementation of e.g. fmap

instance Functor Node
    fmap f (Node n xs) = Node n (map f xs)

Now we can construct our tree

import Data.Map as Map

let input :: Map String (Node String)
    input = Map.fromList
      [ ("pbga", Node 66 [])
      , ("xhth", Node 57 [])
      , ("ebii", Node 61 [])
      , ("havc", Node 66 [])
      , ("ktlj", Node 57 [])
      , ("fwft", Node 72 ["ktlj","cntj","xhth"])
      , ("qoyq", Node 66 [])
      , ("padx", Node 45 ["pbga","havc","qoyq"])
      , ("tknk", Node 41 ["ugml","padx","fwft"])
      , ("jptl", Node 61 [])
      , ("ugml", Node 68 ["gyxo","ebii","jptl"])
      , ("gyxo", Node 61 [])
      , ("cntj", Node 57 [])]

let root_node = "tknk"

let tree = (ana (input Map.!)) root_node

The last line is the most interesting, so let’s see the steps taken to construct the tree.

Note: Map.! is the lookup function maps, e.g.

input Map.! "havc" = Node 66 []


tree =
(ana (input Map.!)) root_node =
-- apply definition of ana
(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "tknk" =
-- perform a Map lookup
(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 41 ["ugml","padx","fwft"]) =
-- apply fmap
Fix (Node 41 (map (ana (input Map.!)) ["ugml","padx","fwft"])) =
-- apply map
Fix (Node 41 [(ana (input Map.!)) "ugml"
             ,(ana (input Map.!)) "padx"
             ,(ana (input Map.!)) "fwft"]) =
-- apply definition of ana
Fix (Node 41 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "ugml"
             ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "padx"
             ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "fwft"]) =
-- perform a Map lookup
Fix (Node 41 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 68 ["gyxo","ebii","jptl"])
             ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 45 ["pbga","havc","qoyq"])
             ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 72 ["ktlj","cntj","xhth"])]) =
-- apply fmap
Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 (map (ana (input Map.!)) ["gyxo","ebii","jptl"]))
             ,Fix (Node 45 (map (ana (input Map.!)) ["pbga","havc","qoyq"]))
             ,Fix (Node 72 (map (ana (input Map.!)) ["ktlj","cntj","xhth"]))]) =
-- apply map
Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [(ana (input Map.!)) "gyxo"
                           ,(ana (input Map.!)) "ebii"
                           ,(ana (input Map.!)) "jptl"])
             ,Fix (Node 45 [(ana (input Map.!)) "pbga"
                           ,(ana (input Map.!)) "havc"
                           ,(ana (input Map.!)) "qoyq"])
             ,Fix (Node 72 [(ana (input Map.!)) "ktlj"
                           ,(ana (input Map.!)) "cntj"
                           ,(ana (input Map.!)) "xhth"])]) =
-- apply definition of ana
Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "gyxo"
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "ebii"
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "jptl"])
             ,Fix (Node 45 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "pbga"
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "havc"
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "qoyq"])
             ,Fix (Node 72 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "ktlj"
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "cntj"
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!)) . (input Map.!)) "xhth"])]) =
-- perform a Map lookup
Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 61 [])
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 61 [])
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 61 [])])
             ,Fix (Node 45 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 66 [])
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 66 [])
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 66 [])])
             ,Fix (Node 72 [(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 57 [])
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 57 [])
                           ,(Fix . fmap (ana (input Map.!))) (Node 57 [])])]) =
-- apply fmap
Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))
                           ,Fix (Node 61 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))
                           ,Fix (Node 61 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))])
             ,Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))
                           ,Fix (Node 66 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))
                           ,Fix (Node 66 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))])
             ,Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))
                           ,Fix (Node 57 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))
                           ,Fix (Node 57 (map (ana (input Map.!)) []))])]) =
-- apply map
Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 [])
                           ,Fix (Node 61 [])
                           ,Fix (Node 61 [])])
             ,Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 [])
                           ,Fix (Node 66 [])
                           ,Fix (Node 66 [])])
             ,Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 [])
                           ,Fix (Node 57 [])
                           ,Fix (Node 57 [])])]) =

As one can see this is the same tree as drawn above. Also note how the empty list serves as base case which prevents fmap (ana (input Map.!)) to recurse forever.

Now we can have a look at the catamorphism. I use a simpler phi function (the argument of cata) than in the original solution of Eric Mertens, because it would be really tedious to write all the intermediate steps down in this blog post. However the solution is identical in spirit.

data Summary = Summary
    { weight ::!Int         -- ^ total node weight
    , children :: [Summary] -- ^ the children summaries
    } deriving Show

phi :: Node Summary -> Summary
phi (Node n xs) =
  if (null xs)
    Summary n []
    Summary (n + (sum . (map weight)) xs) xs

summarize = cata phi

With these definitions at hand let’s run the code

summary =
summarize tree =
-- value of tree
summarize (Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 [])
                                      ,Fix (Node 61 [])
                                      ,Fix (Node 61 [])])
                        ,Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 [])
                                      ,Fix (Node 66 [])
                                      ,Fix (Node 66 [])])
                        ,Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 [])
                                      ,Fix (Node 57 [])
                                      ,Fix (Node 57 [])])])) =
-- definition of summarize
(cata phi) (Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 61 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 61 [])])
                         ,Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 66 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 66 [])])
                         ,Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 57 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 57 [])])])) =
-- definition of cata
(phi . fmap (cata phi) . unFix) (Fix (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 [])
                                                            ,Fix (Node 61 [])
                                                            ,Fix (Node 61 [])])
                                              ,Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 [])
                                                            ,Fix (Node 66 [])
                                                            ,Fix (Node 66 [])])
                                              ,Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 [])
                                                            ,Fix (Node 57 [])
                                                            ,Fix (Node 57 [])])])) =
-- function application
(phi . fmap (cata phi)) (Node 41 [Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 [])
                                               ,Fix (Node 61 [])
                                               ,Fix (Node 61 [])])
                                 ,Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 [])
                                               ,Fix (Node 66 [])
                                               ,Fix (Node 66 [])])
                                 ,Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 [])
                                               ,Fix (Node 57 [])
                                               ,Fix (Node 57 [])])]) =
-- definition of fmap
phi (Node 41 (map (cata phi) [Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 [])
                                           ,Fix (Node 61 [])
                                           ,Fix (Node 61 [])])
                             ,Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 [])
                                           ,Fix (Node 66 [])
                                           ,Fix (Node 66 [])])
                             ,Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 [])
                                           ,Fix (Node 57 [])
                                           ,Fix (Node 57 [])])])) =
-- definition of fmap
phi (Node 41 [(cata phi) (Fix (Node 68 [Fix (Node 61 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 61 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 61 [])]))
             ,(cata phi) (Fix (Node 45 [Fix (Node 66 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 66 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 66 [])]))
             ,(cata phi) (Fix (Node 72 [Fix (Node 57 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 57 [])
                                       ,Fix (Node 57 [])]))])) =
-- definition of cata + unwrap Fix + apply fmap + map
phi (Node 41 [phi (Node 68 [(cata phi) Fix (Node 61 [])
                           ,(cata phi) Fix (Node 61 [])
                           ,(cata phi) Fix (Node 61 [])])
             ,phi (Node 45 [(cata phi) Fix (Node 66 [])
                           ,(cata phi) Fix (Node 66 [])
                           ,(cata phi) Fix (Node 66 [])])
             ,phi (Node 72 [(cata phi) Fix (Node 57 [])
                           ,(cata phi) Fix (Node 57 [])
                           ,(cata phi) Fix (Node 57 [])])]) =
-- definition of cata + unwrap Fix + apply fmap + map
phi (Node 41 [phi (Node 68 [phi (Node 61 [])
                           ,phi (Node 61 [])
                           ,phi (Node 61 [])])
             ,phi (Node 45 [phi (Node 66 [])
                           ,phi (Node 66 [])
                           ,phi (Node 66 [])])
             ,phi (Node 72 [phi (Node 57 [])
                           ,phi (Node 57 [])
                           ,phi (Node 57 [])])]) =
-- definition of phi
phi (Node 41 [phi (Node 68 [ Summary 61 []
                           , Summary 61 []
                           , Summary 61 []])
             ,phi (Node 45 [ Summary 66 []
                           , Summary 66 []
                           , Summary 66 []])
             ,phi (Node 72 [ Summary 57 []
                           , Summary 57 []
                           , Summary 57 []])]) =
-- definition of phi
phi (Node 41 [Summary (68 + (sum . (map weight)) [ Summary 61 []
                                                 , Summary 61 []
                                                 , Summary 61 []]) ([ Summary 61 []
                                                                    , Summary 61 []
                                                                    , Summary 61 []])
             ,Summary (45 + (sum . (map weight)) [ Summary 66 []
                                                 , Summary 66 []
                                                 , Summary 66 []]) ([ Summary 66 []
                                                                    , Summary 66 []
                                                                    , Summary 66 []])
             ,Summary (72 + (sum . (map weight)) [ Summary 57 []
                                                 , Summary 57 []
                                                 , Summary 57 []]) ([ Summary 57 []
                                                                    , Summary 57 []
                                                                    , Summary 57 []])]) =
-- apply map and sum
phi (Node 41 [Summary (68 + 183) [ Summary 61 []
                                 , Summary 61 []
                                 , Summary 61 []]
             ,Summary (45 + 198) [ Summary 66 []
                                 , Summary 66 []
                                 , Summary 66 []]
             ,Summary (72 + 171) [ Summary 57 []
                                 , Summary 57 []
                                 , Summary 57 []]]) =
-- apply addition
phi (Node 41 [Summary 251 [ Summary 61 []
                          , Summary 61 []
                          , Summary 61 []]
             ,Summary 243 [ Summary 66 []
                          , Summary 66 []
                          , Summary 66 []]
             ,Summary 243 [ Summary 57 []
                          , Summary 57 []
                          , Summary 57 []]]) =
-- definition of phi + apply map and sum
Summary 778 [Summary 251 [ Summary 61 []
                         , Summary 61 []
                         , Summary 61 []]
            ,Summary 243 [ Summary 66 []
                         , Summary 66 []
                         , Summary 66 []]
            ,Summary 243 [ Summary 57 []
                         , Summary 57 []
                         , Summary 57 []]]

The complete script is here. Note that the above Summary data type is not the final solution to day 7, but it nicely shows how we use generic folding to tackle problems with trees involved.